Timeline of the DUI Process

Most people who have been arrested for a DUI want to know how long it will take to fight the case. The process can take anywhere from one to four months, with some cases taking as long as nine months. If you are wondering how to fight a dui, get in contact with a dui attorney as soon as possible to learn the specifics of the dui process in your state. You may spend about several initially between meetings with your lawyer and treatment. Below is a general timeline of the DUI process in many states.

Arrest for DUI: One of the first things you should do is ask to get in contact with a lawyer. The police officers might have an on-call attorney available or you might need to find your own DUI attorney using the yellow pages. An attorney can advise you on how to proceed.

Immediately Following the Arrest: An arraignment is generally scheduled for the next business day following your arrest. The timing on this can vary by state and court scheduling, but for the most part it will be your first appearance in court. Your presence is required in court and this is where you enter a plea and are advised of your rights.

As Soon As Possible: Get set up for a evaluating and enroll in a treatment program. Treatment or classes don’t take long and will probably be required anyway, so the sooner you get started the better. Early treatment may even speed up the process.

Within 20 Days: Contact the licensing agency or department for your state. You must generally request a hearing regarding the status of your driver’s license. You may get a letter from your state telling you the deadline for this submission and it must be completed within that timeframe. A hearing is usually scheduled within 60 days of your arrest date.

6 Weeks: This is generally about the time that your lawyer will schedule a pre-trial conference with the Prosecuting Attorney to negotiate a plea bargain for you. Most times the court will set this date in coordination with your attorney.

6 Weeks to 3 Months: Additional hearings may be scheduled regarding the suppression of evidence if your attorney has filed any motions on your behalf. Your attorney may file these motions if they believe that your constitutional rights were violated.

Within 3 Months: If your case proceeds to trial, then atrial usually occurs within 3 months after your arraignment or initial plea if no plea bargain has been agreed upon.

After the Trial or Plea Bargain: Sentencing will be imposed soon after a plea bargain is accepted or the conclusion of the trial. DUI penalties can include jail time, home detention, fines, community service, or alcohol classes.

How to Write a Sale of Business Agreement

Writing a sale of business agreement can seem like quite the task to tackle because it is essentially the document that holds the transaction in place and keeps everyone safe from getting financially burned by any part of the process. The contract provides the framework for the agreement, and it even serves a reference that any of the parties to the agreement can look back on in times of uncertainty.

Including All Parties

When you first begin drafting your sale of business agreement, you are going to need to clearly spell out who all is involved in the sale with full names and addresses. Any investors or other parties that are involved financially in any way are going to need to be included. This is mostly to avoid confusion down the road in the event that the buying parties might need clarity on who exactly was involved in the sale.

Going Over What Exactly is Being Sold

This may take some time, but you’ll need to list every exact thing that is being sold. This includes everything from the logos and design to the business records and databases. Anything associated with the business will need to be included in this section to avoid conflict or confusion.

Drafting the Disclosure Section

The disclosure section is a major one that will keep anyone involved in the contract from pulling any low blow stunts, if you will. The disclosure section essentially states that all parties to the contract have disclosed all pertinent liabilities such as law suits, debts, or other burdens. If there are undisclosed encumbrances that the seller has failed to mention, the buyer is essentially not responsible for them per the sale of business agreement. Additionally, it can protect the seller from buyers with undisclosed bad credit or other hindrances. This is why it’s extremely important to include this section. It essentially ensures that no one is hiding any skeletons in their closets and everything is out on the table. Breaching this contract means that the other party is not held liable.

Documenting Payment Terms

The terms of payment must also be documented in the contract. This means, for example, if the payment for the business is going to be made in installments, this will all be recorded and documented in the payment terms section. The payment terms should also be very specific, including information pertaining to whether it will be paid for cash or check, or even other parties that are involved such as brokers or bank institutions.

Finalizing with Signatures

When the time comes to sign the document, it is best that you require all parties to sign their names just as they appear in the beginning of the document to avoid confusion. It may be a good idea to get the contract looked over and “OK’ed” by an attorney before handing it to anyone involved in the transaction. They’ll be sure to help you find any loopholes and strengthen the document to where it is as clear and solid as possible.

Legal Tips to Make a Claim For Medical Negligence Through Experts

You can go for a medical negligence claim against any individual or party, who is responsible for putting you in harm that works in the medical health and care profession.

Here are some situations of this claim……..

Surgical errors can be dangerous leading to death. Minor errors may worsen patients health or put the patient in pain. Very often doctors left surgical instruments like needle, cotton, knife etc in patient’s body and it is due to absent mind but the patient suffers a lot.

Diagnosis is the first step of treatment and a proper diagnosis identifies patient’s illness and cause to be treated properly but misdiagnosis may put the patient in harm or lead to a wrong procedure. If you have suffered for any misdiagnosis procedure, you are able to make a claim.

Any person who seeks a medical professional for diagnosis is entitled to receiving it on time but the appointed doctor fails to diagnose on time for no valid reason. You can make a claim.

Any injury or unexpected medical conditions caused due to negligence of any staff engaged to look after you.

Any disease contracted because of poor health and safety procedures in a medical institution.

Whiplash injury may be defined as injuries usually caused by hyper extension of any part of your body. This type of injuries are commonly associated with road traffic accidents and can be sustained in many other ways. Diagnosis of whiplash injury is too difficult and is extremely difficult for your solicitor to make a strong whiplash injury claim. You should report to the casualty department of your nearest hospital immediately or make an urgent appointment with your physician.

Medical negligence is a particularly complex area of law and any potential claim must be investigated thoroughly, and an arduous task for both the lawyer & the victim. To be eligible for financial compensation you have to prove that your injury was caused by improper treatment. The amount of money awarded reflects the level of pain and loss the victim has suffered.

As it is a complex procedure you should hire a lawyer who has practiced such cases successfully. Take legal solutions from him and collect all bonafide documents to be awarded with maximum amount of money. Many law farms are providing services for these claims. You may contact with these law farms for legal advice. They also work on no win, no fee like conditional procedures. The choice is yours.